The “Process is Not Defined” Error in React: A Step-by-Step Guide to Using Excalidraw
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The “Process is Not Defined” Error in React: A Step-by-Step Guide to Using Excalidraw

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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating “process is not defined” error in React? Do you want to learn how to harness the power of Excalidraw to create stunning visualizations for your projects? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you by the hand and walk you through the process of using Excalidraw in React, step-by-step.

What is Excalidraw?

Excalidraw is an open-source, self-hosted, and highly customizable diagramming and design tool that allows you to create interactive, web-based sketches and diagrams. With its intuitive interface and extensive feature set, Excalidraw has become a popular choice among developers, designers, and creatives alike.

The “Process is Not Defined” Error

Before we dive into the world of Excalidraw, let’s address the elephant in the room: the “process is not defined” error. This error typically occurs when React is unable to find the `process` object, which is a built-in Node.js object that provides information about the Node.js process.

This error can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Missing or incorrect import statements
  • Incompatible dependencies or libraries
  • Incorrectly configured Webpack or Babel settings

Fear not, dear reader! We’ll explore each of these potential causes and provide solutions to get you up and running with Excalidraw in no time.

Setting Up Excalidraw in React

To get started with Excalidraw in React, follow these steps:

  1. Install Excalidraw via npm or yarn:

    npm install excalidraw


    yarn add excalidraw

  2. Import Excalidraw in your React component:

          import Excalidraw from 'excalidraw';
  3. Add the Excalidraw component to your React component:

          const App = () => {
            return (
                <Excalidraw />

That’s it! You should now have a basic Excalidraw component rendered in your React app.

Configuring Excalidraw

Excalidraw provides a wide range of configuration options to customize its behavior and appearance. Here are a few examples:

Option Description Example
width Set the width of the Excalidraw component <Excalidraw width="800" />
height Set the height of the Excalidraw component <Excalidraw height="600" />
theme Set the theme of the Excalidraw component <Excalidraw theme="dark" />

For a complete list of configuration options, refer to the Excalidraw documentation.

Troubleshooting the “Process is Not Defined” Error

Now that we’ve set up Excalidraw in our React app, let’s tackle the “process is not defined” error once and for all.

Checking Import Statements

One of the most common causes of the “process is not defined” error is incorrect import statements. Make sure you’re importing Excalidraw correctly:

import Excalidraw from 'excalidraw';

Double-check that you haven’t accidentally imported the `process` object from another library or module.

Verifying Dependencies and Libraries

Incompatible dependencies or libraries can also cause the “process is not defined” error. Check your `package.json` file to ensure that you’re using compatible versions of React, Excalidraw, and other dependencies:

  "dependencies": {
    "react": "^17.0.2",
    "excalidraw": "^0.5.2",

Try updating or downgrading dependencies to resolve any compatibility issues.

Configuring Webpack and Babel

Incorrectly configured Webpack or Babel settings can also lead to the “process is not defined” error. Check your `webpack.config.js` file to ensure that you’re correctly configuring the `process` object:

module.exports = {
  node: {
    process: true,

Similarly, check your `babel.config.js` file to ensure that you’re correctly configuring the `process` object:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
        alias: {
          '^react-native$': 'react-native-web',

By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to resolve the “process is not defined” error and get Excalidraw working seamlessly in your React app.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered the basics of using Excalidraw in React, from setting up the library to troubleshooting the “process is not defined” error. With Excalidraw, you can create stunning visualizations and diagrams that elevate your projects to the next level.

Remember, the “process is not defined” error is often a sign of incorrect configuration or incompatible dependencies. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you should be able to overcome this error and unlock the full potential of Excalidraw in your React app.

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most frequently asked questions about “"process" is not defined in React using Excalidraw

Why does Excalidraw throw an error saying “"process" is not defined when I try to use it with React?

This error occurs because Excalidraw uses the ‘process’ object which is a part of Node.js, but not available in the browser. To fix this, you need to configure your Webpack or Rollup to define ‘process’ as an alias or use a package like ‘process/browser’ to polyfill it.

How do I configure Webpack to fix the “"process" is not defined error with Excalidraw and React?

You can fix this error by adding the following code to your Webpack configuration file:
module.exports = {
// …
node: {
process: ‘mock’,
This will define ‘process’ as a mock, allowing Excalidraw to work properly with React.

Can I use Excalidraw with a React application that uses Rollup?

Yes, you can! To fix the “"process" is not defined error with Excalidraw and Rollup, you can add the following code to your Rollup configuration file:
import { injectProcessMock } from ‘process/browser’;
This will polyfill the ‘process’ object, allowing Excalidraw to work seamlessly with your React application.

Do I need to add any additional dependencies to my React project to use Excalidraw?

Yes, you’ll need to add the ‘process/browser’ package as a dependency to your React project. This package provides a polyfill for the ‘process’ object, which is required for Excalidraw to work properly.

Will I encounter any performance issues when using Excalidraw with React?

Excalidraw is optimized for performance, and when used with React, it should not cause any significant performance issues. However, as with any complex library, it’s essential to follow best practices and optimize your application’s performance by minimizing unnecessary re-renders and using efficient rendering techniques.

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