Unlocking the Power of Deep Links and Web Credentials on Your Ionic Capacitor App
Image by Mattaeus - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Deep Links and Web Credentials on Your Ionic Capacitor App

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As a developer, you’re always looking for ways to take your app to the next level. That’s where deep links and web credentials come in – two powerful features that can elevate the user experience and security of your Ionic Capacitor app. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of deep links and web credentials, and show you how to implement them seamlessly into your project.

Deep links are a type of URL that skips the login process and takes users directly to a specific page or feature within your app. Instead of launching the app’s homepage, a deep link can redirect users to a specific section, such as a product page, a user profile, or a settings menu.

For example, let’s say you have an e-commerce app that sells shoes. A deep link could be used to direct users to a specific product page, such as https://myapp.com/shoes/nike-airforce-1, instead of launching the app’s homepage.

  • Improved user experience: Deep links reduce the number of steps users need to take to access a specific feature or page, making it easier for them to get what they need.
  • Increased conversions: By directing users to a specific page, you can increase the chances of them completing a desired action, such as making a purchase.
  • Better analytics: Deep links provide valuable insights into user behavior and preferences, helping you refine your marketing strategies and improve your app’s overall performance.

Now that we’ve covered the benefits of deep links, let’s get started on implementing them on your Ionic Capacitor app. Follow these steps to add deep linking to your project:

  1. Step 1: Configure Your App’s URL Scheme

    In your Capacitor project, you need to configure your app’s URL scheme to handle deep links. To do this, add the following code to your capacitor.config.js file:

            "plugins": [...],
            "urlScheme": "myapp"

    Replace “myapp” with your app’s custom URL scheme.

  2. Step 2: Add a Deep Link Handler

    Next, you need to add a deep link handler to your app. Create a new file called deep-link-handler.ts and add the following code:

          import { Plugins } from '@capacitor/core';
          export class DeepLinkHandler {
            constructor(private router: any) {}
            handleDeepLink(url: string) {
              const route = url.replace('myapp://', '');

    This code creates a deep link handler that extracts the route from the URL and navigates to it using the Angular router.

  3. Step 3: Integrate the Deep Link Handler with Your App

    Now, integrate the deep link handler with your app by adding it to your app’s module:

          import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
          import { RouterModule } from '@angular/router';
          import { DeepLinkHandler } from './deep-link-handler';
            declarations: [AppComponent],
            entryComponents: [],
            imports: [
                  path: '**',
                  component: AppComponent
            providers: [DeepLinkHandler],
            bootstrap: [AppComponent]
          export class AppModule {}

    This code adds the deep link handler as a provider to your app module.

What are Web Credentials?

Web credentials are a secure way to store and retrieve login credentials on a user’s device. By using web credentials, you can provide a seamless login experience for your users, eliminating the need for them to remember multiple usernames and passwords.

In an Ionic Capacitor app, web credentials are stored using the WebCredentialManager plugin. This plugin provides a secure way to store and retrieve credentials, ensuring that sensitive information is protected.

Benefits of Web Credentials

  • Improved user experience: Web credentials simplify the login process, reducing friction and making it easier for users to access your app.
  • Enhanced security: By storing credentials securely on the device, you can reduce the risk of password theft and phishing attacks.
  • Increased conversions: With a seamless login experience, users are more likely to complete desired actions, such as making a purchase or accessing premium content.

Implementing Web Credentials on Your Ionic Capacitor App

Now that we’ve covered the benefits of web credentials, let’s get started on implementing them on your Ionic Capacitor app. Follow these steps to add web credentials to your project:

  1. Step 1: Install the WebCredentialManager Plugin

    In your Capacitor project, install the plugin using the following command:

          npm install @capacitor/web-credential-manager

    This plugin provides a secure way to store and retrieve web credentials.

  2. Step 2: Configure the WebCredentialManager Plugin

    Next, configure the WebCredentialManager plugin by adding the following code to your capacitor.config.js file:

            "plugins": [
                "name": "WebCredentialManager",
                "ios": {
                  "WebCredentialManager": "com.getcapacitor.WebCredentialManager"

    This code configures the WebCredentialManager plugin for your app.

  3. Step 3: Store Web Credentials

    Now, store web credentials using the WebCredentialManager plugin. Create a new file called login.ts and add the following code:

          import { WebCredentialManager } from '@capacitor/web-credential-manager';
          export class LoginComponent {
            constructor(private webCredentialManager: WebCredentialManager) {}
            login(username: string, password: string) {
              }).then(() => {
                console.log('Credentials stored successfully!');
              }).catch((error) => {
                console.error('Error storing credentials:', error);

    This code uses the WebCredentialManager plugin to store the user’s login credentials securely on the device.

  4. Step 4: Retrieve Web Credentials

    Finally, retrieve the stored web credentials using the WebCredentialManager plugin. Add the following code to your login.ts file:

          retrieveCredentials() {
            this.webCredentialManager.getCredential().then((credential) => {
              if (credential) {
                console.log('Retrieved credentials:', credential);
                // Use the retrieved credentials to log in the user
              } else {
                console.log('No credentials found!');
            }).catch((error) => {
              console.error('Error retrieving credentials:', error);

    This code retrieves the stored web credentials and uses them to log in the user.


In this article, we’ve covered the power of deep links and web credentials on your Ionic Capacitor app. By implementing these features, you can provide a seamless user experience, increase conversions, and enhance security. Remember to follow the steps outlined in this article to add deep links and web credentials to your project, and take your app to the next level!

Feature Benefits
Deep Links Improved user experience, increased conversions, better analytics
Web Credentials Improved user experience, enhanced security, increased conversions

By combining deep links and web credentials, you can create a robust and user-friendly app that provides a seamless experience for your users. Don’t forget to explore the official Capacitor documentation for more information on implementing deep links and web credentials in your Ionic app.

Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about “DeepLinks and WebCredentials on Ionic Capacitor App” in a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of Ionic Capacitor apps and explore the mysteries of DeepLinks and WebCredentials!

What are DeepLinks and how do they work in an Ionic Capacitor app?

DeepLinks are a way to link to specific screens or routes within your app, allowing users to navigate directly to a specific feature or section. In an Ionic Capacitor app, DeepLinks are used to handle Universal Links, App Links, and custom URL schemes. This enables features like opening your app from a website, or directly navigating to a specific section within your app.

How do I implement DeepLinks in my Ionic Capacitor app?

To implement DeepLinks in your Ionic Capacitor app, you’ll need to configure the Capacitor plugin, define your app’s routes, and handle the DeepLink navigation. This involves setting up the `Capacitor.App` plugin, defining your app’s routes in the `app.routing.module`, and using the `Navigator` class to handle navigation. Don’t worry, it’s easier than it sounds!

What are WebCredentials and how do they relate to DeepLinks?

WebCredentials are used to store and manage credentials for your app, such as username and password combinations. In the context of DeepLinks, WebCredentials come into play when you need to authenticate users before navigating to a specific section of your app. By using WebCredentials with DeepLinks, you can ensure a seamless and secure user experience.

Can I use WebCredentials with biometric authentication, like Face ID or Touch ID?

Yes, you can use WebCredentials with biometric authentication! With the Capacitor plugin, you can integrate biometric authentication methods like Face ID, Touch ID, or Fingerprint authentication. This adds an extra layer of security and convenience for your users, allowing them to access protected areas of your app with ease.

How do I troubleshoot DeepLinks and WebCredentials issues in my Ionic Capacitor app?

When troubleshooting DeepLinks and WebCredentials issues, start by checking the Capacitor plugin configuration, route definitions, and navigation handling. Verify that your WebCredentials are properly stored and retrieved. If you’re still stuck, dive into the Ionic Capacitor documentation, seek help from the Ionic community, or consult the Capacitor plugin’s GitHub issues page.

I hope this helps!