Mastering Anacron: How to Get Anacron Daily to Run at a Specific Time
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Mastering Anacron: How to Get Anacron Daily to Run at a Specific Time

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Are you tired of waking up in the middle of the night to run your daily tasks? Do you wish you could automate your daily routines to free up more time for the things you love? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to get Anacron daily to run at a specific time, so you can sit back, relax, and let your system do the work for you.

What is Anacron?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s quickly cover what Anacron is. Anacron is a utility that allows you to execute commands at specific intervals, even if your system is not running continuously. It’s perfect for running daily, weekly, or monthly tasks, such as backups, updates, or maintenance scripts. Anacron is commonly used on Linux-based systems, but can be installed on other operating systems as well.

Why Use Anacron?

So, why should you use Anacron instead of other scheduling tools like Cron? Here are a few reasons:

  • Flexibility**: Anacron allows you to specify the exact time and frequency of your tasks, giving you more control over your system.
  • Reliability**: Anacron ensures that your tasks are executed even if your system is not running continuously, making it perfect for laptops or systems that are not always online.
  • Easy to use**: Anacron has a simple and intuitive syntax, making it easy to set up and manage your tasks.

Getting Started with Anacron

Before we can get Anacron daily to run at a specific time, we need to install and configure Anacron on our system. Here are the steps:

Installing Anacron

sudo apt-get install anacron

For Ubuntu-based systems, simply run the above command to install Anacron. For other systems, check your package manager or installation instructions.

Configuring Anacron

Anacron uses a simple configuration file to schedule tasks. Open the file in your favorite text editor:

sudo nano /etc/anacrontab

The anacrontab file consists of lines with the following format:

period delay job-identifier command

Here’s a breakdown of each field:

  • period**: The time period between executions (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly).
  • delay**: The delay in minutes before the command is executed.
  • job-identifier**: A unique identifier for the job.
  • command**: The command to execute.

Scheduling Anacron Daily to Run at a Specific Time

Now that we have Anacron set up, let’s schedule a daily task to run at a specific time. We’ll use the following example:

1 0 daily-job /usr/bin/

In this example:

  • 1**: The period is daily (1 day).
  • 0**: The delay is 0 minutes ( execute the command immediately).
  • daily-job**: The job-identifier is “daily-job”.
  • /usr/bin/**: The command to execute is the backup script located at /usr/bin/

To schedule the task to run at a specific time, we need to add the time to the command. We can do this using the LANG=C /usr/bin/date +\%H:\%M command, which returns the current time in 24-hour format. Here’s the updated line:

1 0 daily-job /usr/bin/env LANG=C /usr/bin/date +\%H:\%M | /usr/bin/awk '$0 =="14:30" { system("/usr/bin/") }'

In this example, the command will only execute if the current time is 14:30 (2:30 PM). Adjust the time to suit your needs.

Additional Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips and tricks to help you get the most out of Anacron:

Multiple Commands

To execute multiple commands, simply separate them with semicolons:

1 0 daily-job /usr/bin/; /usr/bin/

Job Output

By default, Anacron discards the output of your jobs. To save the output to a file, add the following to the end of your command:

> /var/log/anacron.log 2>&1

This will save the output to /var/log/anacron.log.

Debugging Anacron

To debug Anacron, add the following line to the top of your anacrontab file:


This will enable verbose mode, allowing you to see the output of your jobs in the system logs.


With these simple steps, you’re now able to get Anacron daily to run at a specific time. Remember to adjust the time and commands to suit your needs, and don’t hesitate to experiment with different schedules and tasks. By mastering Anacron, you can automate your daily routines and free up more time for the things you love.

Frequency Description
Daily Execute the command every day.
Weekly Execute the command every week.
Monthly Execute the command every month.

By the way, did you know that you can also use Anacron to run tasks at specific intervals, such as every 5 minutes or every hour? The possibilities are endless!

Frequently Asked Question

Get Anacron to run at a specific time, every time! Here are the answers to your most pressing questions.

Q: How do I schedule Anacron to run daily at a specific time?

A: To schedule Anacron to run daily at a specific time, you’ll need to edit the cronjob. Open your terminal, type `crontab -e`, and add the following line: `59 23 * * * anacron`. This will run Anacron at 11:59 PM every day. Adjust the time to your liking!

Q: What if I want Anacron to run at a specific time, but only on weekdays?

A: No problem! To run Anacron only on weekdays, you can modify the cronjob to: `59 23 * * 1-5 anacron`. The `1-5` part specifies that it should only run on weekdays (Monday to Friday).

Q: Can I run Anacron multiple times a day at specific times?

A: Yes, you can! To run Anacron multiple times a day, simply add multiple cronjobs with different times. For example, to run Anacron at 12:00 PM and 6:00 PM, add the following lines: `0 12 * * * anacron` and `0 18 * * * anacron`. Easy peasy!

Q: What if I want to run Anacron every hour, on the hour?

A: To run Anacron every hour, on the hour, use the following cronjob: `0 * * * * anacron`. The `0 * * * *` part specifies that it should run at 0 minutes past the hour, every hour.

Q: How do I check if Anacron is running at the scheduled time?

A: To check if Anacron is running at the scheduled time, use the `systemctl` command. Run `systemctl status anacron` to check the status of the Anacron service. You can also use `journalctl -u anacron` to view the Anacron logs and verify that it’s running at the scheduled time.

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